"Stay" is a charming word in a friend's vocabulary.
-Louisa May Alcott-

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e premte, 6 korrik 2007

What an inspiration!

It is an absolutely beautiful day here in Southern Kentucky! The birds are singing this morning and my children are smiling and laughing and happy to be alive.
I live with a constant source of inspiration to be more than I am. My children are each an inspiration to a different part of my life. Yahweh knew I would need lots of inspiration, so...8 kids! LOL
Ashley inspires me to be sweeter and more understanding , Jared inspires me to go for anything I think is worthwhile, Marie inspires me to see beauty all around me and nurture it, Aubrey inspires me to stand up for and believe in myself (Anthony inspires me to reach for things I may not have even considered before (he isn't one of my children yet...but soon! ;) love ya man!), Mackenzie inspires me to look for the hidden things in people,because there is so much more to her than meets the eye, Zachariah inspires me to see with eyes that envision what could happen, because he is always wanting to fix the problem, Levi inspires me to believe the impossible, because someday he is going to invent a machine to cause it to happen, Kelsey inspires me to never put people in a box, because she has always come out of hers, and last but not least, Mallory inspires me to believe in the power of happiness, who else ALWAYS wakes up with a smile and a giggle?
Thank you children for all you do for me.......I am a much better person because of you all!!

1 koment:

Peggy tha...

You are one blessed woman!!!