"Stay" is a charming word in a friend's vocabulary.
-Louisa May Alcott-

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e hënë, 20 gusht 2007

Coming out of the closet...so to speak

Well, today we finish the closet and start on the kitchen, or at least that is what Paul says. We are supposed to caulk it first thing and then off to the kitchen and then back to paint it tonight. Hope that is the way it works, my clothes miss me. What a royal pain to walk from one end of the house to another wrapped in a towel....because you forgot to get your clothes before you stepped into the shower, oops!!
Thought I would just tell you how much I love my baby brother (I love you too, Jim, wink) He made me shoe racks for under my long hanging stuff. How sweet is that? Anybody ever seen the movie "Overboard", with Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn? Well, Paul is building this awesome closet alot like that one, he just keeps adding more cool stuff, I love it!!
Here it is in all it's unpainted glory:You can see the shelves for the shoes on the lower right. This is standing in the bathroom, looking into the closet. My shelves are on the far left, then the door to the bedroom, then Greg's shelves. I got my chance at Paul's radial arm saw yesterday, man, you gotta love power tools!!
It was 100 degrees here yesterday, so we added to our keep-cool armada, here is the crew cooling down

2 komente:

Peggy tha...

Just as long as you don't start acting like Goldie in that movie. However, if your brother looks like Kurt Russell in it.....I'll be right over. :) Closet looks awesome and I KNOW everyone is enjoying the pool.

Eunichs abound tha...

What an awesome family you have. Your closet is pretty cool too, but I think I like the other side with the 2 windows much better :)