"Stay" is a charming word in a friend's vocabulary.
-Louisa May Alcott-

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e mërkurë, 17 tetor 2007

Stop the press!!!

Well, I just found out that our darling little girl is actually a fixed little boy....I must admit here, publically, how embarrassed I am...lol. NOT This is great, except that...well, I must go and call the vet now.....so, this is how egg on your face feels....she said, grinning sheepishly!!
Oh and the name is now in question, LOL

2 komente:

Heather tha...

With the help of cheese slices, a kitty adopted mewhen I was six. I named her Thomasina until the vet told us he was really more of a Tom.

Peggy tha...

Woman!!!!! You scared me to death!!! I hadn't read the previous post when I read this one and thought you were actually talking about one of your girls!!!!! Whew. Knitting below looks awesome