"Stay" is a charming word in a friend's vocabulary.
-Louisa May Alcott-

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e enjte, 12 korrik 2007

What is the deal??????

Ok, I just have to know....what could possibly motivate an otherwise reasonably sane woman who has pounds of unspun roving at her side and a knitting project sitting next to her chair, to wander the internet looking at knitting patterns? What causes me to do this? It isn't like I am bored and need something to do, for goodness sake! I am sitting here looking at my basket of fluffy roving next to my sweet little Lendrum, just waiting for me to sit down and spend some time with them. I am spinning every day now ( and loving it, fyi) and have such a sense of purpose for the fluff, I mean wool...grin. Oh, and it is not like I am looking for a pattern to knit for my proposed Christmas presents, whose yarn is already decided and sitting so beautifully in a basket in my living room, calling my name. Oh, no, that would be way too reasonable and practical.....lol
The pattern that has caught my eye is a sweater for me!!! Now, when in the daylights am I going to fit this in???
Oh, what the heck, I am throwing caution and practicality to the wind, bring on the internet, bring on the pattern!!! I am woman enough for this......(I think)
Here is my temptation.....Simply Noro pattern, isn't it to die for?? I mean really, don't you want to add it to your project queue??Oh, yes,one more thing, of course, I want to spin for it!! ROFL So, what is the deal anyway?

2 komente:

Peggy tha...

I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME SPIN!!! I AM WOMAN, SEE ME KNIT!!! Girlfriend, you are just entering a world of multiplicity you know nothing about!!!! I suppose one thing I can pat myelf on the back about is, at least I don't feel the need to spin all the yarn I use to make things. Course, I've only been spinning for about 5 months. I realize it takes a while for the infection to set in.

June tha...

Oh, and that will look simply fabulous on you too, dahling! It really will! I hope you bring the spun yarn with you to B&N for show and tell! I love it!

BTW - We never count our wips and ufo's! We simply keep them in the queue, and sometimes they rise to the surface again. . . that's my story anyway!