"Stay" is a charming word in a friend's vocabulary.
-Louisa May Alcott-

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e hënë, 29 tetor 2007

Fall Y'all Give Away!!

Welcome to my meadow...
This is my very first giveaway and I am so excited!!! I first heard about this from a cute little blog called Rocks in my dryer. There is a catalog of all the blogs participating here.

You are supposed to give away something that is unique to you and so I have chosen to give some handspun alpaca and some handspun merino and a book called Slip-Stitch knitting by Roxana Bartlett.

Here's how to enter:

1. Leave a comment below.

2. In your comment, just tell me why you're interested in that particular prize.

3. Please make sure to leave your correct email address and your blog address (if you have one, if not just make sure I have your email address so I can contact you if you win).

4. You must be willing to send me your snail mail address, if you are a winner.

5. Winners will be notified by email on Monday, November 5th after 5pm PT. Please get back to me with your snail mail address by Wednesday, November 7th or I will have to draw an alternate winner.

6. I am happy to ship to US and Canada.

The best of luck to all! :)

144 komente:

Anonim tha...

Oh count me in!!!

Melissa tha...

I can't get enough yarn. I am not a knitter, yet, but I am a crocheter. The knitting book would be great for me to learn. Please sign me up!

Carrie tha...

Oh, handspun yarn....yummy!

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph tha...

I am a knitter- it's my passion and I would put this prize to VERY GOOD USE! I'd love it!!


Anonim tha...

Knitting? Did you say knitting? Yes, I'd love a new project for winter. Thanks.

Anonim tha...

I just learned how to knit and I want to keep at it!

emily [at] momminitup.com

Kim tha...

Oh oh oh me me me PLS!
How generous! Please include me.

Bups_67 at yahoo dot ca

Heather tha...

Oh Marmee, Marmee, Marmee... you are a doll to give away such beautiful items!

I'd have to knit a little something for my Grandma, because, sadly, I never have.

Linda tha...

Oh this is pretty! I'd love to win. I'm new to knitting but am knitting for my baby granddaughter who is due in Jan.
Thanks for the contest!!

erika~ the inspired mama tha...

count me in, please!

Mim tha...

I love, love, love handspun yarn. But it's always difficult for me to choose. So, it would be great to win some where I don't have to make the decision.

Mike Massey tha...

Great giveaway! This is not Mike, however-- it is his wife, Valerie.

Anonim tha...

Very beautiful yarn! I'd love to try the book, as well!

Thank you!

AngieB tha...

i learned to knit in college and gave the hobby up. Have been thinking lately I'd like to re-learn and teach my daughter at the same time.

Anonim tha...

Oh, I have a daughter who loves to knit and I know she'd be in heaven with both the yarns and the book. Sign me up, please!

Thia tha...

I have been thinking of learning to knit. I already love crochet. The natural fibers are so appealing.

Qtpies7 tha...

I have been dying to learn to knit for many, many years! I just don't know where to start! That is why I would love to win, and now my mother in law moved close to us, so she said she could help me learn.

Tammy tha...

I love knitting, and I love handspun yarn! Please enter me in your drawing. Thank you so much!

Cara tha...

Oh, I would love to be entered! I just learned how to knit... I can do hats in the round and that's about it so far, so you see, I could really use the book as well ;)


Jenna tha...

Please enter me in your drawing. I love handspun yarn!

Brandie tha...

Oh what a fabulous giveaway!
The yarn looks lovely and I bet it's very soft =)
I'm interested because in my opinion, a gal can't have too much yarn ever or too many knitting books (of course, my husband might just disagree with me LOL!)
Thanks so much for offering this =)

Mrs. Pear tha...

Oh, I love to knit, and would love to try homespun yarn!

Rachel tha...

Oh my goodness, handspun yarn is the best! I'm a crocheter, aspiring to learn how to knit (I can knit and purl, just not very well). Please count me in!

Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) tha...

My daughter would love this! Please include my name in your drawing

Anonim tha...

Actually, I mostly crochet, and have been thinking about trying knitting again...not so patient with it...the yarn looks lovely!

Beth @ TheAngelForever tha...

I have been itching to knit again. This yarn looks positively amazing.
Great giveaway!


Anonim tha...

I would give this to my mother-in-law, if I won it. I don't knit, but she does amazing things with yarn.

HilLesha O'Nan tha...

My fiances' mom loves to knit! :)

Anonim tha...

I like to crochet and my oldest daughter likes to knit.

Summer tha...

Oh my gosh! I am learning to knit and obsessed right now. Especially with wintr coming I want some warm knitted goodies for my sons.

Gateway School and Learning Center tha...

I'm dreaming of an alpaca Christmas. . .

greg&sarina tha...

my husband and I have just recently been researching alpaca wool and I need to work on my knitting skills!

jennifer tha...

Oh! I'd love to win this. I'm just starting to knit, and I love it!!

Anonim tha...

I;ve always wanted to know how to knit.

mama in waiting tha...

i am a beginner knitter (as of last winter) & am in love with alpaca (my MIL introduced me to it). as for a knitting book?! that's just awesome! thanks for the offer!

Anjanette tha...

oh goodness, handspun yarn is so expensive! I love love love knitting and crocheting and prefer to use natural fibers. We have a baby on the way and I can't wait to make some yummy things for him/her! Add me please!

Aimee tha...

I am not a knitter, but I was just telling my friends that I wanted to start - here's my chance!! :)

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses tha...

I love knitting and that yarn looks beautiful (and expensive!). Would love to look at that book ... I haven't seen it before.

Anonim tha...

I have been looking for some knitting projects! This looks like a wonderful give away!

Anonim tha...

I am a beginner knitter and saw Alpacas at our state fair. :)

Seis tha...

I just started an advance knitting class. I would love this. I hope you make the winner post a pic of their creation.

ikkinlala tha...

Count me in, please! Your handspun looks great!

I learned to knit last year, and it quickly became an addiction. I'm a student (and therefore on a budget), so nice yarns are always a treat. The book looks neat, too - I haven't done much colourwork.

Kendra Fletcher tha...

This is my kinda give-away! Great stuff!

Anonim tha...

I would like to learn to knit, and I would love to have homespun yarns.

Shannon tha...

I would love to learn more about knitting. I learned the basics earilier this year, and then got in over my head when I should have just stuck to getting the basics down pat.

Great giveaway!

Anonim tha...

I long to be a knitter, I want to wear a pair of my own socks! So count me in. :)

MrsNehemiah tha...

Ohh I love working with wool.
I've also never heard of that particular kniting book. & I usually check out 4-5 knitting tomes from the library each month.

Mrs Nehemiah

lifeedubourn at gmail .com

Anonim tha...

Oh wow, what a great giveaway. Please count me in! I knit for a project that sends hats and scarves to Mongolia. This would be perfect for the kids there. It's COLD on those plains.

Kyleen King Zelenak tha...

I am learning to knit so this would be perfect!

Anonim tha...

Oooh, these sound like quality skeins! I'd love a chance to win. :-)

sarah_carol (at) hotmail (dot) com

Pam tha...

My 11/almost 12-year-old daughter really wants to learn how to knit. This might be just what we're looking for.

Thanks for hosting and come visit my place, too.

Anonim tha...

I would love to win this because I'm new to knitting and have yet to even touch alpaca yarn much less knit with it. All my knitty friends are having too much fun bragging so I wanna join in on the alpaca yarn fun! lol ;)


Roo tha...

please add me! thanks!

Anonim tha...

I would love to learn to knit. It is something I wished my Grandmother had been able to teach me how to do. Thanks,


Genevieve P tha...

Please enter me! I love to crochet, and I want to learn to knit!

Awesome Mom tha...

I have recently started getting into knitting again. I love wool and other natural fibers. Knitting really is a blissful thing for me.

Anonim tha...

My daughter is learning to knit. And I would like to get back to it again. afriend@netcommander.com

lace tha...

I have just learned to crochet and would love to make something for myself. I don't own any yarn and feel overwhelmed in the yarn stores. I don't know what to use or what would work. I have felt a blanket made from Alpaca and it was the softest thing I have ever felt.

Geri tha...

yarn junkie here!!!!

Anonim tha...

Please pick me! I have NEVER had the pleasure of knitting with hand spun yarn. Blessings, Patti henbig@aol.com

Michelle tha...

Yes Please! And Thank you!

wordconnoisseur at hotmail dot com

I'm a beginner knitter. Made a few baby blankets and that's it. I guess I need more instruction.

michelle tha...

My eleven year-old daughter had a friend who taught her how to knit a couple of years ago. This would be a great gift for her to continue learning new skills in a craft she enjoys. I would love to be entered!

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

Unknown tha...

Ohhh, I'd like that book! (or yarn)

Dorothy tha...

Enter me please!

Unknown tha...

I am about to take my first knitting class! I'd love a book and yarn to go with it.

Christina.B tha...

I am a new knitter and would love any book to help me learn new tricks!

Rockin' Mama tha...

I would give this to my husband's grandmother because she would love this! She made a beautiful blanket for out baby boy!

Cindy tha...

I love to knit for my family and would love some "real" yarn for a change! Please count me in!

Ginny tha...

I would like to learn more about knitting, I would like to be able to make things/

Amy tha...

I am still learning to knit and any extra yarn I can get my hands on would be great!!!

Anonim tha...

I've just taught myself to knit - I'm a lifelong crochet-er - and I've always looked with longing at the natural fiber yarns. I haven't worked with any yet, though.

Katie tha...

I've always wanted to learn to knit and winning this would be a great excuse to finally learn!

Tamara tha...

I'm a beginning knitter and have been yearning to try the good stuff! Just haven't known where to start. Tossing in my comment for a chance... Thanks!

mrshuntinak AT msn DOT com

Ms. Kathleen tha...

What a great giveaway, just wonderful. I crochet and attempt to knit... Thank you for entering me. Blessings! ☺

Heather tha...

I've just started knitting again. This would be such fun!

Christine tha...

Hi - what great prizes. I would love to win any of these because I knit. I would be especially interested in the book because I am a very basic knitter so far. You can see what I am giving away - that I knit - at my blog.

Linda SS tha...

I would love a chance to win this. I used to knit and now I'm going back to it again with all the fabulous yarns out.

Angela S tha...

I've been trying to learn to knit and would love to win this!

FENICLE tha...

This sounds really great!!! Thanks.



Amy Jane (Untangling Tales) tha...

I always love a new project, but can't frequently justfy the start-up.

Having it in my lap would be nice :o)

Anonim tha...

I'd love to win this! bigfamily8 at yahoo dot com

Katie B tha...

Knitting is a skill that I want to learn!

I live IN Jesus tha...

OOOOOOOHHHH, VERY COOL! :) Count me in too!
Sarah T

Anonim tha...

I'd love to win these for my sister. She is always on the lookout for beautiful skeins. I don't know if she has ever had alpca wool before. She would LOVE it! classybutearthy@yahoo.com

Anonim tha...

I love to knit! What a great giveaway!! Please enter me! Thanks!

Sonya tha...

Very neat! I'm currently trying to teach myself to knit and I'd love to have some different books on hand to work with as soon as I'm ready!

Anonim tha...

Oh, wow, what a generous gift. I love to knit. I've checked out that book a few times from the library.

It is beautiful work you do!

momofmhasr tha...

very, very nice!

Making A Modern Family tha...

What a better time than now to learn to knit? Thanks!

Anonim tha...

I would love a chance to win this great gift.

Shana tha...

Oh, I would definitely love the yarn! I crochet, I don't knit, so you could give that away as a second prize, but the yarn is beautiful. I've never worked with Alpaca or Merino, so it would be a lot of fun. I'm sure I could make some adorable things from that yarn :)

Anonim tha...

Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks! My daughter and I would like to learn knitting.

Anonim tha...

Either prize is great. Please enter me. Thank you!

lydia tha...

I would love to try my hand at using some fancy yarn (that I could never afford myself!).

Denise tha...

Ooh I would love a chance to win this, I'm crazy about knitting right now :-)

Tara tha...

My mom had the New Year's Resolution to learn to knit in 2006. I know darn well she didn't, so I'd like to give her this to kick her in the fanny to learn! (Not that I know how, but it WAS her resolution, not mine!)

Tallie Elizabeth tha...

Count me in!

Dawn tha...

I would love this. I have always wanted to learn how to knit, and I know a lady who has said she will teach me.

Anonim tha...

I love the title of your blog! Count me in PLEASEEEEEEEE!


Melissa tha...

Please enter me! I would love to win the yarn because I am trying to build up a stash of wool soakers (diaper covers) for my babe-in-utero (due April 2008). I would love to win the book because I only know how to crochet, and all the cute soaker patterns are knitted.

I don't feel comfortable leaving my E-mail address publicly, but if I happen to win this giveaway, would you please just leave me a comment on my blog, at:


Thanks a lot! Out of all the contests on Bloggy Giveaways, this would be one of the most exciting for me to win.


Heather tha...


Liberty tha...

How can you say no to yarn? I would love to start a winter project :) Please count me in!

Happy Autumn and Good luck to all!

notmuchmorethanthis [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonim tha...

I'm new to the crafty mom thing, but I'd love to be able to make some sweaters. I crochet, but knitting is intriguing. :)

Please enter me. :)

leia18 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Anonim tha...

I was just talking to some friends last night about how I'd like to learn how to knit and teach my girls to do it, too. :)

Thanks for the chance to win.

writetome (at) thesilvas (dot) com

Anonim tha...

I am a begining knitter who can Always use more yarn!!

dee tha...

I just started knitting and would love a new technique book! Not to mention building my stash!!

Anonim tha...

I have always wanted to learn to knit. Count me in!


daisy tha...

My mom was a crazy knitter when she was alive, and I've always wanted to learn how. It would bring her a little closer in my mind. :)

Eden tha...

I would love to win this prize b/c I want to learn to knit! Please count me in. Thanx.
I'm doing a little giveaway over at my place too.

Emily tha...

I am wanting to learn how to knit, this would be a perfect thing to win!

eyeslikesugar tha...

I'd like to be entered. I do knit, but if I won I'd give the yarn as a present to my friend Josh. He makes AMAZING works of art. I'd keep the book to better my own knitting skills. =)


Anonim tha...

me me

Anonim tha...

I really would love to learn to knit. I've tried, but think a book would help. Thanks!



noreen tha...

I would love to win since it would get me to start knitting again. I had to stop during my last pregnancy (carpal) and never really got back to. Now I can. Plus I always wanted to try alpaca yarn.

Jhianna tha...

Count me in, please!

Handspun alpaca!

Anonim tha...

I love to knit, i"m working on sock #2 now.
Theresa n

Kathryn E tha...

I love to knit- it would be so fun to win this prize!

Kellie tha...

I'd love to win because I'd like to learn to knit, and I'm sure this would motivate me a lot! Thanks!

Simply a mommy tha...

My yarn stash is almost empty and you can never have too many knitting books. I particularly love handspun yarn and have a harder time finding it since moving from New England to Georgia. Please add me in!

kaitlin tha...

Please enter me in the drawing.

Angela tha...

Please enter me!

byoc tha...

My dd wants to learn to knit so she can make dishclothes and some fun stuff for her 7 kids. I'd like to win to give it to her.

PastormacsAnn tha...

I enjoy knitting and crocheting, Please count me in. Great giveaway!

Sandy tha...

There's a shop in town that sells handspun yarn... I drool over it! What a wonderful giveaway!

Karen tha...

This is fabulous, please count me in! I am trying to teach myself to knit and can use all the help I can get. Thanks:-)

kpuleski [at] gmail [dot] com

Lisa tha...

I crochet and have always wanted to learn to knit. This looks like a great starting point!

wyseup tha...

I love knitting. I have a project with me at all times. I would love this yarn! Count me in!!

Kristi tha...

I love to sew and just taught myself to knit. I'd love to work with a natural fiber and I'd love to learn more than 3 types of stitches! LOL! Please enter me, the gift would be greatly appreciated.

Anonim tha...

I have 5 girls! We all love to do crafts. We would love to have this yarn!

Mommy tha...

I have been wanting to learn to knit, and homespun yarn! WoW! Hard to pass up. What a lovely offering to give away. Please include me in your contest. :) Thank you.

Anonim tha...

I knit for grandkids, and do charity knitting also. I really could use this.

Heather tha...

I'd love the book, I really want to learn to knit, I have a new baby and think it would be really sweet to knit things for her!

Unknown tha...

I learned to knit when I was 16 and then never picked up a needle again. I would love to re learn!!

Dana tha...

I would be grateful to receive your giveawy of handspun yarn and a book. I have only knit twice in my life, two simple scarves, one for my husband, one for my sister-in-law. Two scarves which I made with love and gave away. I am in need of a new craft, a new place that I can lose myself in my thoughts while I create something loving for myself. Thanks you for your kindness - what a generous gift!

Ad Tracker tha...

I love handspun yarn!

Please enter me in your drawing.

Thanks for running this great contest :)

Rosina {Rosy ~ Posy} tha...

How neat. I spin my own yarn but I'm not a very good knitter *grin*
Please count me in :)

Michelle Olsen Sasak tha...

I love to knit, but have never worked with handspun yarn before. All mine has been from Walmart since I'm on a budget. I'd love to try it out.

Anonim tha...

I have not mastered knitting yet but I do alot of crocheting. The handspun yarn sounds wonderful!!

I also love your quote from Peter Pan...the one in the sidebar. It's one of my faves! I've bookmarked you and will be back when I have more time to visit!

Sue tha...

I would love to win this...knitting is a great stress reliever!

CanCan tha...

I want to play! :)

PurpleMoose tha...

knitting! Yes, a great stress reliever - I work for a domestic violence shelter and help with the batterers intervention program - so I NEED stress relievers ;)

So I knit and also write a knitting blog. Way too much fun. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

prplmoose AT kenaiwriter DOT net

spinninglovelydays tha...

hi! sadly i don't qualify for the contest since i'm half a globe away:) , but i would like to say how much i really enjoyed reading your blog. i shall definitely drop by often.:)


Tara tha...

What a great prize. i love to crochet and want to learn to knit.

Unknown tha...


I just want to let you know that Simon sent me a message. He is lonely! He said he wants another four legged critter to stand around with. He doesn't care what kind or what gender. He just wants someone to talk to and to listen to him.

What can you do for Simon?


PS He said his new friend's name will be Morgan.