"Stay" is a charming word in a friend's vocabulary.
-Louisa May Alcott-

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e diel, 20 janar 2008

A little bit about me....

Sometime around Christmas, my friend Veronica (hi), said something kind of off-handedly that has stuck with me. I was so taken aback (in a good way) and it has really made me think.
So, are you ready yet? lol She asked me about something in my house, and to be quite honest, I don't even remember what she asked me about, but anyway when I told her about it, she replied "I knew it had to mean something, or else it wouldn't be here".
Gosh, I never thought of it that way before, I honestly never did. Then, I got to looking around and sure enough, Veronica was right. I know I am not telling this very well, so I will show you what I mean.
Last post, I had my dining room curtains on display behind the girls. My curtains are made out of old quilt blocks that I found. I love them because they are so full of life.

My particular fav is the one that says Mother,

but this one is also cool. Sorry the picture is so fuzzy, but it says Ovada Kenum 1936. Awesome, huh?

These blocks are all hand done, I had to trim every single one of them to be square. And just in case my Aunt Mel is looking, I had a dickens of a time making this whole affair be square, obviously...lol....actually, don't even look Aunt Mel! Anyway, the quilt blocks are awesome and so when it came time to hang them, they couldn't just go on any old curtain rod! Greg made me a rod out of an old slat from a rope bed that we had in the workshop, I love it. He is good to me.

Around the corner is my apron hanger. It is a piece of an old horse yoke and old door knobs. I love it too!! And my aprons have a special place in my heart. They are all vintage, except for the new one I got Kelsey for her birthday last year.

I have ads out of really old magazines up above the aprons.

Kelsey's apron is underneath the one on the right side.

Lastly, we have my Christmas present from Greg this year. The cabinet.
This doesn't have any particular significance, except that I love it...lol. It has behind it, an old ladder I bought at a garage sale many years ago, that holds quilts that I rotate from time to time.

So, that is my little bit about me. I do like for things to mean something, to carry some significance and I do love my friend Veronica for being so nice. Thank you Veronica!
My next post is going to be on the subject of tables. What are they for anyway????

2 komente:

June tha...

The curtains are certainly lovely! But I especially love the pictures of your spinning wheels!

And, as you can see from almost every picture I take, that tables at my house are flat horizontal surfaces that get covered with "stuff". Occasionally, they need to be cleared, but that is only when guests come to visit! lol

Veronica tha...

Rolynn - Thank you for the sweet comments - You are certainly a dear friend to me too!! Who would have thought I would say something thought provoking?? Out of the mouths of blondes.....eh?
I love reading your blog - it is like a breath of fresh air to me and it puts a smile on my face - it's just like sitting across from you at B&N and hearing about your latest. Too cool! You are just too fabulous!!!