"Stay" is a charming word in a friend's vocabulary.
-Louisa May Alcott-

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e diel, 6 janar 2008

Something's happened!! Something wonderful!

Anthony Tye and my little Aubrey Nicole are engaged!! She came flying into my bedroom yesterday morning to tell me that the previous night, at midnight, he had taken her out under the stars and proposed. Can all the women out there collectively say "Awwwww"? LOL
Then, she showed me her ring and I am putting a picture of it up here so that her sister-in-law in Hawaii can see.....

This is for you, sweet Murray!

So, our lives are changing once again. We added our sweet little Murray,our French croquette, almost a year ago and now we add an Australian. As Murray would say, "We are 12 now" and in truth our family will only keep growing from here on out.

Thinking of that, I had Anthony take a picture of our family and it seems so small without Jared and Murray in there....almost like there is a hole by where Levi is standing.
This picture is the only one out of three that the boys actually had real smile(read that as not a smile out of a cereal box, kind of pasted on looking)
I think it is a disease that boys get between the ages of 7 and ummmm, well, about ummmm, 14, where they forget how to let their faces go naturally into a smile and have to force the little expression. UUUgggghhhh. But, we did get one picture and here it is:
Now, you may remember that I finished spinning my beautiful black fiber and have put it up in skeins and washed it. I was so proud of myself. Then, reality set in and my life being, well, my life.......I went to get the pattern for the sweater that I wanted to make with said fiber, and guess what???
Oh yeah baby.....not to be found. I even offered a reward for it....no dice. But, I did get to sort through my patterns and touch all my yarn and look at fiber still waiting to be spun, LOL.
When I was looking I ran across a piece of roving that I had taken to my Tuesday night knitting group to show the before and after of the roving and finished yarn.
I can prove I found this little piece of roving because, when it was time for Aubrey and Anthony to leave for Nashville, I wanted one or two more pictures of my baby and and Anthony obliged....and being that he isn't part of the family yet, he didn't say anything about the fact that I had a small sampling of the fiber on my elbow......sheesh, you should have heard me laugh when I got the pictures off the camera. In all future showings of this picture, it will be cropped. But, my life is real and really out there now!!
So, here is that picture and one of Bisou the spinning dog.

1 koment:

Heather tha...

Congrats Aubrey and Anthony!! How exciting and romantic.

I went on a field trip with my daughter's preschool class with a forgotten cable needle tucked into my ponytail ( keeps it away from my son). Knitters are a special group of people ;)